Webster's English Dictionary

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1. con.ser.va.tive \-'s*r-v*t-iv\ aj 1: PRESERVATIVE  2a: of or relating to 
   a philosophy of conservatism  2b: of or constituting a political party 
   professing the principles of cons ervatism : as cap  2b1: of or 
   constituting a party of the United Kingdom advocating support o f 
   established institutions cap  2b2: Progressive Conservative  3a: tending or 
   disposed to maintain existing views, conditions, or institu tions : 
   TRADITIONAL 3b: MODERATE, CAUTIOUS  cap  4: of or relating to a movement in 
   Judaism that holds sacred the Torah and  the religious traditions but 
   accepts some liturgical and ritual change - con.ser.va.tive.ly av
2. conservative n 1a: an adherent or advocate of political conservatism  
   cap  1b: a member or supporter of a conservative political party  2a: one 
   who adheres to traditional methods or views  2b: a cautious or discreet 