Webster's English Dictionary

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main.tain \ma-n-'ta-n, m*n-\ \-'ta--n*-b*l\ vt [ME mainteinen, fr. OF 
   maintenir, fr. ML manutene-re, fr.]L manu tene-re to hold in the hand 1: to 
   keep in an existing state (as of repair, efficiency, or validity) :: 
   preserve from failure or decline {~ one's health ~ machinery} 2: to sustain 
   against opposition or danger : uphold and defend {~R a position} 3: to 
   continue or persevere in : carry on : keep up {couldn't ~R his composure} 
   4a: to support or provide for : bear the expense of {has a family to (R@} 
   4b: SUSTAIN {enough food to ~ life}  5: to affirm in or as if in argument : 
   ASSERT {~ed t hat all men are not equal}IFY mean to uphold as true, right, 
   just or reasonable. MAINTAIN stresses firmness of conviction: ASSERT 
   suggests determination to make others accept what one puts forward: DEFEND 
   implies maintaining in the face of attack or criticism: VINDICATE implies 
   successfully defending; JUSTIFY implies showing to be true, just, or valid 
   by appeal to a standard or to precedent - main.tain.able aj SYN syn