Webster's English Dictionary

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con.tam.i.nate \k*n-'tam-*-.na-t\ \-.na-t-iv\ \-.na-t-*r\ vt [L 
   contaminatus, pp. of contaminare; akin to L contagio conta]gion 1: to soil, 
   stain, or infect by contact or association  2: to make unfit for use by 
   introduction of unwholesome or undesirable ele mentsmake impure or unclean. 
   CONTAMINATE implies intrusion of or contact with an outside source as the 
   cause; TAINT implies that corruption and decay have begun to take effect; 
   POLLUTE stresses the loss of purity and cleanness through contamination; 
   DEFILE implies befouling of what ought to be clean and pure and suggests 
   violation or desecration - con.tam.i.na.tive aj SYN syn CONTAMINATE, TAINT, 
   POLLUTE, DEFILE mean to