Webster's English Dictionary

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1. lim.it \'lim-*t\ n [ME, fr. MF limite, fr. L limit-, limes boundary - 
   more at]LIMB 1a: a geographical or political boundary  pl  1b: the place 
   enclosed within a boundary : BOUNDS  2a: something that bounds, restrains, 
   or confines  2b: the utmost extent  3: LIMITATION  4: a determining feature 
   or differentia in logic  5: a prescribed maximum or minimum amount, 
   quantity, or number : as  5a: the maximum quantity of game or fish that may 
   be taken legally in a spe cified period 5b: a maximum established for a 
   gambling bet, raise, or payoff  6: a number that for an infinite sequence 
   of numbers is such that ultimatel y the terms of the sequence differ from 
   this number by less than any given amount 7: something that is exasperating 
   or intolerable 
2. limit \-*t-*-b*l\ vt 1: to fix or appoint definitely : PRESCRIBE  2a: to 
   set bounds or limits to : CONFINE  2b: to curtail or reduce in quantity or 
   extent to set bounds for. LIMIT implies setting a point or line in time or 
   space, or a speed or degree beyond which something cannot or is not 
   permitted to go; RESTRICT usu. connotes a narrowing or tightening within 
   boundaries; CIRCUMSCRIBE stresses a restricting in every direction and by 
   clearly marked limits; CONFINE may imply limiting, restricting, or 
   circumscribing but carries stronger implications of cramping, hampering, 
   bottling up, or otherwise positively reducing freedom of action -