Webster's English Dictionary

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Cross references:
  1. accidental            
1. con.tin.gent \k*n-'tin-j*nt\ aj [ME, fr. MF fr. L contingent-, 
   contingens, prp. of contingere] to have contact with, befall, fr. com- + 
   tangere to touch 1: likely but not certain to happen : POSSIBLE  2a: a 
   happening by chance or unforeseen causes  2b: intended for use in 
   circumstances not completely foreseen  2c: UNPREDICTABLE  3: dependent on 
   or conditioned by something else  4: not logically necessary; esp : 
   EMPIRICAL, FACTUAL  5: not necessitated : FREE  - con.tin.gent.ly av
2. contingent n 1: something contingent : CONTINGENCY  2: a quota or share 
   esp. of persons (as troops or athletes) supplied from o r representative of 
   an area or group