Webster's English Dictionary

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  1. probable              
pos.si.ble \'pa:s-*-b*l\ aj [ME, fr. MF, fr. L possibilis, fr. posse to be 
   able, fr. potisX, pote able + esse to be - more at POTENT, IS 1a: being 
   within the limits of ability, capacity, or realization  1b: being what may 
   be done or may occur according to nature, custom, or ma nners 2: being 
   something that may or may not occur  3: able or fitted to become : 
   POTENTIAL ing realized. POSSIBLE implies that a thing may certainly exist 
   or occur given the proper conditions; PRACTICABLE implies that something 
   may be easily or readily effected by available means or under current 
   conditions; FEASIBLE applies to what is likely to work or be useful in 
   attaining the end desired SYN syn POSSIBLE, PRACTICABLE, FEASIBLE mean 
   capable of be