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Cross references:
  1. relief                
1. round \'rau.nd\ vt [ME rounen, fr. OE ru-nian; akin to OE ru-n mystery 
   -] more at RUNE 1: WHISPER  2: to speak to in a whisper 
2. round \'rau.n-(d)le-\ \'rau.n(d)-n*s\ aj [ME, fr. OF roont, fr. L 
   rotundus; akin to L rota wheel - m]ore at ROLL 1a: having every part of the 
   surface or circumference equidistant from the  center 1b: CYLINDRICAL  2: 
   PLUMP, SHAPELY  3a: COMPLETE, FULL {a ~ dozen} {a ~ ton}  3b: approximately 
   correct; esp : exact only to a specific decimal  3c: AMPLE, LARGE  4: 
   BLUNT, OUTSPOKEN  5: moving in or forming a circle  6a: brought to 
   completion or perfection : FINISHED  6b: presented with lifelike fullness 
   or vividness  7a: having full or unimpeded resonance or tone : SONOROUS  
   7b: pronounced with rounded lips : LABIALIZED  8: of or relating to 
   handwriting predominantly curved rather than angular  - round.ly av
3. round av : AROUND 
4. round \(')rau.nd\ pp 1: AROUND  2: all during : THROUGHOUT {~ the year} 
5. round \'rau.nd\ n 1a: something (as a circle, globe, ring) round  1b: a 
   knot of people : a circle of things  2: ROUND DANCE  3: a polyphonic vocal 
   composition in which three or four voices follow each  other around in a 
   canon at the unison or octave 4a: a rung of a ladder or a chair  4b: a 
   rounded molding  5a: a circling or circuitous path or course  5b: motion in 
   a circle or a curving path  6a: a route or circuit habitually covered (as 
   by a watchman or policeman)  6b: a series of professional calls on hospital 
   patients made by a doctor or  nurse 6c: a series of similar or customary 
   calls or stops  7: a drink of liquor served at one time to each person in a 
   group  8: a sequence of recurring routine or repetitive actions or events  
   9: a period of time that recurs in a fixed pattern  10a: one shot fired by 
   a weapon or by each man in a military unit  10b: a unit of ammunition 
   consisting of the parts necessary to fire one sho t 11: a unit of play in a 
   contest or game which occupies a stated period, cov ers a prescribed 
   distance, includes a specified number of plays, or gives each player one 
   turn 12: an outburst of applause  13: a cut of beef esp. between the rump 
   and the lower leg  14: a rounded or curved part  1: in full sculptured form 
   unattached to a background : FREESTANDINGM 2: with an inclusive or 
   comprehensive view or representation  3: with a center stage surrounded by 
   an audience on all sides {theater Xin the round} - in the round 
6. round \'rau.nd\ vt 1a: to make round  1b1: to make (the lips) round and 
   protruded (as in the pronunciation of Ru:/) 1b2: to pronounce (a sound) 
   with rounding of the lips : LABIALIZE  2a: to go around  2b: to pass part 
   way around  3: ENCIRCLE, ENCOMPASS  4a: to bring to completion : FINISH  
   4b: to bring to perfection of style : POLISH  5: to express as a round 
   number {11.3572 ~ed to three decima ls becomes 11.357} 1a: to become round, 
   plump, or shapely  1b: to become complete  2: to follow a winding course : 
   BEND  : to turn against : ASSAIL  - round on