Webster's English Dictionary

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1. cres.cent \'kres-*nt\ \kre-'sent-ik\ n [ME cressant, fr. MF creissant, 
   fr. prp. of creistre to grow,] increase, fr. L crescere; akin to OHG hirsi 
   millet, L creare to create, Gk koros boy 1a: the moon at any stage between 
   new moon and first quarter and between la st quarter and the succeeding new 
   moon when less than half of the illuminated hemisphere is visible 1b: the 
   figure of the moon at such a stage defined by a convex and a concav e edge 
   2: something shaped like a crescent  - cres.cen.tic aj
2. crescent aj [L crescent-, crescens, prp. of crescere] : INCREASING