Webster's English Dictionary

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1. half \'haf, 'ha.f\ \'havz, 'ha.vz\ n or halves [ME, fr. OE healf; akin 
   to L scalpere to cut, OE sciell shell] pl  1a: one of two equal parts into 
   which a thing is divisible; also :  a part of a thing approximately equal 
   to the remainder 1b: half an hour - used in designation of time  2: one of 
   a pair : as  2a: PARTNER  2b: SEMESTER, TERM  2c1: one of the two playing 
   periods usu. sepatated by an interval that toge ther make up the playing 
   time of various games 2c2: the turn of one team to bat in baseball  3: 
   HALF-DOLLAR  4: HALFBACK  : by a great deal  : in part : HALFHEARTEDLY  : 
   into two equal or nearly equal parts  - by half 
2. half aj 1a: being one of two equal parts {a ~ share}  1b1: amounting to 
   nearly half  1b2: PARTIAL, IMPERFECT {~ measures}  2: extending or covering 
   only half {a ~ window}  - half.ness n
3. half av 1a: in an equal part or degree  1b: not completely : IMPERFECTLY 
   {~ persuaded}  2: - used with a negative to imply the opposite of what is 
   expressed { her singing isn't ~ bad}