Webster's English Dictionary

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1. moon \'mu:n\ n [ME mone, fr. OE mo-na; akin to OHG ma-no moon, L me]nsis 
   month, Gk me-n month, me-ne- moon 1a: the earth's only known natural 
   satellite shining by the sun's reflected  light, revolving about the earth 
   from west to east in about 291/2 days with reference to the sun or about 
   271/3 days with reference to the stars and having a diameter of 2160 miles 
   and a mean distance from the earth of about 238,857 miles, a mass about one 
   eightieth that of the earth, and a volume about one forty-ninth 1b: one 
   complete moon cycle consisting of four phases  1c: SATELLITE  2: a synodic 
   month  3: MOONLIGHT  4: something that resembles a moon 
2. moon vt : to spend in idle reverie : DREAM - used with away to be have 
   abstractedly : DREAM