Webster's English Dictionary

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1. squeeze \'skwe-z\ vb [alter. of obs. E quease, fr. ME queysen, fr. OE 
   cwy-san;]akin to Icel kveisa stomach cramps 1a: to exert pressure esp. on 
   opposite sides of : COMPRESS  1b: to extract or emit under pressure  1c: to 
   force or thrust by compression  2a1: to get by extortion  2a2: to deprive 
   by extortion  2b: to cause economic hardship to  2c: to reduce the amount 
   of {~s profits}  3: to crowd into a limited area  4: to gain or win by a 
   narrow margin  5: to constrain (another player) to discard in bridge so as 
   to unguard a s uit 6: to score by means of a squeeze play  1: to give way 
   before pressure  2: to exert pressure; also : to practice extortion or 
   oppression  3: to force one's way {~ through a door}  4: to pass, win, or 
   get by narrowly  : to force short sellers to cover at higher prices  - 
   squeez.er n
2. squeeze n 1a: an act or instance of squeezing : COMPRESSION  1b: 
   HANDCLASP; also : EMBRACE  2a: a quantity squeezed out from something {a ~ 
   of lemon}  2b: a group crowded together : CROWD  3a: the commission taken 
   by an oriental servant  3b: a profit taken by an oriental official or 
   middleman on goods or transac tions : GRAFT 4: any of various financial 
   pressures caused by narrowing margins or by sho rtages 5: a forced discard 
   in bridge