Webster's English Dictionary

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1. crash \'krash\ vb [ME crasschen] 1a: to break violently and noisily : 
   SMASH  1b: to damage (as airplane) in landing  2a: to cause to make a loud 
   noise  2b: to force through with loud crashing noises  3: to enter or 
   attend without invitation or without paying  1a: to break noisily  1b: to 
   crash an airplane  2a: to make a smashing noise  2b: to move with or as if 
   with a crashing noise  3: to force one's way with or as if with a crash  - 
   crash.er n
2. crash n 1: a loud sound (as of things smashing)  2: a breaking to pieces 
   by or as if by collision; also : an instanc e of crashing 3: a sudden 
   decline or failure (as of a business) 
3. crash aj : effected hastily on an emergency basis {a ~ program} 
4. crash n [prob. fr. Russ krashenina colored linen] : a coarse fabric used 
   for draperies, toweling, and clothing