Webster's English Dictionary

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Cross references:
  1. crush                 
sup.press \s*-'pres\ \-*-b*l\ \-'pres-*r\ vt [ME suppressen, fr. L 
   suppressus, pp. of supprimere, fr. s]ub- + premere to press - more at PRESS 
   1: to put down by authority or force : SUBDUE  2: to keep from public 
   knowledge : as  2a: to keep secret  2b: to stop or prohibit the publication 
   or revelation of  3a: to exclude from consciousness  3b: to keep from 
   giving vent to : CHECK  obs  4: to press down  5a: to restrain from a usual 
   course or action : ARREST {~  a cough ~ a hemorrhage} 5b: to inhibit the 
   growth or development of : STUNT  - sup.press.ible aj