Webster's English Dictionary

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crust \'kr*st\ n [ME, fr. L crusta; akin to OE hru-se earth, Gk kryos icy 
   c]old 1a: the hardened exterior or surface part of bread  1b: a piece of 
   this or of bread grown dry or hard  2: the pastry cover of a pie  3: a hard 
   or brittle external coat or covering : as  3a: a hard surface layer (as of 
   soil or snow)  3b: the outer part of the earth composed essentially of 
   crystalline rocks  3c: a deposit built up on the interior surface of a wine 
   bottle during long  aging 3d: an encrusting deposit of dried secretions or 
   exudate; esp :  SCAB slang  4: IMPUDENCE, NERVE  - crust vb