Webster's English Dictionary

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1. bot.tle or bot.tles.ful \'ba:t-*l\ \-.fu.l\ \-fu.lz\ \-*lz-.-fu.l\ n [ME 
   botel, fr. MF bouteille, fr. ML butticula, dim. of LL ] often attrib buttis 
   cask 1a: a rigid or semirigid container typically of glass or plastic 
   having a c omparatively narrow neck or mouth and no handle 1b: a bag made 
   of skin  1c: the quantity held by a bottle  2a: intoxicating drink {hit the 
   ~}  2b: bottled milk used in place of mother's milk  pl  - bot.tle.ful n
2. bottle \'ba:t-lin, -*l-in\ \-l*r, -*l-*r\ vt or bot.tling 1: to put into 
   a bottle  2: to confine as if in a bottle - usu. used with up  - bot.tler n