Webster's English Dictionary

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1. snow \'sno-\ n [ME, fr. OE sna-w; akin to OHG sne-o snow, L niv-, n] 
   often attrib ix, Gk nipha (acc.) 1a: small tabular and columnar white 
   crystals of frozen water formed direct ly from the water vapor of the air 
   at a temperature of less than 32F 1b1: a descent or shower of snow crystals 
    1b2: a mass of fallen snow crystals  2: something resembling snow : as  
   2a: a dessert made of stiffly beaten whites of eggs, sugar, and fruit pulp  
   2b: any of various congealed or crystallized substances resembling snow in  
   appearance slang  2c: COCAINE  2d: small transient light or dark spots on a 
   television or radar screen 
2. snow vi : to fall in or as snow  1: to cause to fall like or as snow  
   2a: to cover, shut in, or imprison with or as if with snow  slang  2b: to 
   deceive, persuade, or charm glibly  3: to whiten like snow {hair ~ed by 