1. di.a.gram also di.a.gram.mat.i.cal \'di--*-.gram\ \.di--*-gr*-'mat-ik\
\-'mat-i-k*l\ \-i-k(*-)le-\ n [Gk diagramma, fr. diagraphein to mark out by
lines, fr. dia-] + graphein to write - more at CARVE 1: a line drawing made
for mathematical or scientific purposes 2: a graphic design that explains
rather than represents - di.a.gram.mat.i.c aj
2. diagram \-.gramd\ \-.gram-in\ vt or di.a.gramed or di.a.grammed; or
di.a.gram.ing; or di.a.gram.ming : to represent by or put into the form of
a diagram