Webster's English Dictionary

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1. graph.ic \'graf-ik\ \-i-k*l\ \-i-k(*-)le-\ aj [L graphicus, fr. Gk 
   graphikos, fr. graphein] 1: written, drawn, or engraved  2a: marked by or 
   capable of clear and lively description or striking imagi native power 2b: 
   sharply outlined or delineated  3a: of or relating to the pictorial arts  
   3b: of, relating to, or involving such reproductive methods as those of en 
   graving, etching, lithography, photography, serigraphy, and woodcut 3c: of 
   or relating to the art of printing  3d: relating or according to graphics  
   4: having mineral crystals resembling written or printed characters  5: of, 
   relating to, or represented by a graph  6: of or relating to the written or 
   printed word or the symbols or devices  used in writing or printing to 
   represent sound or convey meaninggiving a clear visual impression in words. 
   GRAPHIC stresses the evoking of a clear lifelike picture; VIVID suggests an 
   impressing on the mind the vigorous aliveness of something; PICTURESQUE 
   suggests the presentation of a striking or effective picture often without 
   regard to reality; PICTORIAL implies representation in the manner of 
   painting with emphasis upon colors, shapes, and spatial relations - 
   graph.i.cal aj SYN syn GRAPHIC, VIVID, PICTURESQUE, PICTORIAL mean 
2. graphic n 1a: a product of graphic art  pl  1b: the graphic media  2: a 
   picture, map, or graph used for illustration or demonstration