Webster's English Dictionary

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Cross references:
  1. limit                 
1. con.fine \'ka:n-.fi-n in sense 2a usu k*n-'fi-n\ n [MF or L; MF 
   confines, pl., fr. L confine border, fr. neut. of c]onfinis adjacent, fr. 
   com- + finis end usu pl  1a: BOUNDS, BORDERS  1b: outlying parts : LIMITS  
   1c: TERRITORY  archaic  1a: RESTRICTION  obs  1b: PRISON 
2. con.fine \k*n-'fi-n\ vi archaic  : BORDER  1: to keep within limits : 
   RESTRICT  2a: to shut up : IMPRISON  2b: to keep indoors  - con.fin.er n