Webster's English Dictionary

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Cross references:
  1. incline               
1. dis.pose \dis-'po-z\ vb [ME disposen, fr. MF disposer, fr. L disponere 
   to arrange (pe]rf. indic. disposui), fr. dis- + ponere to put 1a: to give a 
   tendency to : INCLINE  1b: PREPARE  2a: to put in place : ARRANGE  obs  2b: 
   REGULATE  archaic  2c: BESTOW  1: to settle a matter finally  obs  2: to 
   come to terms  1: to place, distribute, or arrange esp. in an orderly way  
   2a: to transfer to the control of another  2b1: to get rid of  2b2: to deal 
   with conclusively  - dis.pos.er n
2. dispose n obs  1: DISPOSAL  obs  2a: DISPOSITION  2b: DEMEANOR