Webster's English Dictionary

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1. in.cline \in-'kli-n\ vb [ME inclinen, fr. MF incliner, fr. L inclinare, 
   fr. in-] + clinare to lean - more at LEAN 1: to bend the head or body 
   forward : BOW  2: to lean, tend, or become drawn toward an opinion or 
   course of conduct  3: to deviate from a line, direction, or course : LEAN; 
   specif)X : to deviate from the vertical or horizontal 1: to cause to stoop 
   or bow : BEND  2: to have influence on : PERSUADE  3: to give a bend or 
   slant to nfluence one to have or take an attitude toward something. INCLINE 
   implies a tendency to favor one of two alternative actions or conclusions; 
   BIAS suggests a settled and predictable leaning in one direction and 
   connotes unfair prejudice; DISPOSE suggests an affecting of one's mood or 
   temper so as to incline one toward something; PREDISPOSE implies the 
   operation of a disposing influence well in advance of the opportunity to 
   reveal itself - in.clin.er n SYN syn INCLINE, BIAS, DISPOSE, PREDISPOSE 
   mean to i 
2. in.cline \'in-.kli-n\ n : an inclined plane : GRADE, SLOPE