1. dope \'do-p\ n [D doop sauce, fr. dopen to dip; akin to OE dyppan to dip
-] more at DIP 1a: a thick liquid or pasty preparation 1b: a preparation
for giving a desired quality to a substance or surface; (Xspecif : an
antiknock added to gasoline 2: absorbent or absorbent material used in
various manufacturing processes (as the making of dynamite) 3a1: a
narcotic preparation; specif : OPIUM 3a2: a preparation given to a
racehorse to stimulate it temporarily chiefly South 3a3: a cola drink
3b1: a narcotic addict 3b2: a stupid person 4: information esp. from a
reliable source
2. dope vt 1: to treat or affect with dope; specif : to give a narcotic to
2: to find a solution for : to take dope - n