Webster's English Dictionary

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1. sauce \'so.s, usu 'sas for 3 & 5\ n [ME, fr. MF, fr. L salsa, fem. of 
   salsus salted, fr. pp. of sall]ere to salt, fr. sal salt - more at SALT 1: 
   a condiment or relish for food; esp : a fluid dressing or toppin g 2: 
   something that adds zest or piquancy  3: vegetables eaten with meat or as a 
   relish  4: stewed or canned fruit eaten with other food or as a dessert  5: 
   pert or impudent language or actions 
2. sauce \'so.s, usu 'sas for 3\ vt 1: to dress with relish or seasoning  
   archaic  2a: to modify the harsh or unpleasant characteristics of  2b: to 
   give zest or piquancy to  3: to be rude or impudent to