Webster's English Dictionary

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1. el.bow \'el-(.)bo-\ n [ME elbowe, fr. OE elboga; akin to OHG elinbogo 
   elbow; both f]r. a prehistoric NGmc-WGmc compound whose constituents are 
   akin to OE eln ell & OE boga bow - more at ELL, BOW 1a: the joint of the 
   arm  1b: a corresponding joint in the anterior limb of a lower vertebrate  
   2: something resembling an elbow; specif : an angular pipe fitting 
2. elbow vt 1a: to push with the elbow : JOSTLE  1b: to shove aside by 
   pushing with the elbow  2a: to force (as one's way) by pushing with the 
   elbow  2b: to force (as one's way) rudely  1: to advance by pushing with 
   the elbow  2: to make an angle : TURN