Webster's English Dictionary

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ether \'e--th*r\ n [ME, fr. L aether, fr. Gk aithe-r, fr. aithein to 
   ignite,]blaze 1a: the rarefied element formerly believed to fill the upper 
   regions of spa ce 1b: the upper regions of space : HEAVENS  2a: a medium 
   that in the undulatory theory of light permeates all space and  transmits 
   transverse waves 2b: the medium that transmits radio waves  3a: a light 
   volatile flammable liquid (C2H5)2O obtained b y the distillation of alcohol 
   with sulfuric acid and used chiefly as a solvent and anesthetic 3b: any of 
   various organic compounds characterized by an oxygen atom attach ed to two 
   carbon atoms