1. blaze \'bla-z\ n [ME blase, fr. OE blse torch; akin to OE b-]l
fire 1a: an intensely burning fire 1b: intense direct light often
accompanied by heat 1c: an active burning; esp : a sudden outburst of
flame 2: something that resembles the blaze of a fire : as 2a: a dazzling
display 2b: a sudden outburst 2c: BRILLIANCE es great rapidity in
kindling of material and the radiation of intense heat and light; FLAME
suggests a tongue or sheet of glowing vapor in wavering or flickering
motion; FLARE implies a sudden and rapid burst of fire or flame against a
dark background; GLARE implies the reflection or diffusion of very bright
steady light; GLOW stresses luminosity without flame and may suggest warmth
and suffused radiance in contrast to blazing heat or blinding glare SYN syn
2. blaze \'bla--zin-le-\ vi 1a: to burn brightly : FLAME 1b: to flare up
2: to be conspicuously brilliant 3: to shoot rapidly and repeatedly {~
away} - av
3. blaze vt [ME blasen, fr. MD bla-sen to blow; akin to OHG bla-st]blast :
to make public or conspicuous : PROCLAIM
4. blaze n [G blas, fr. OHG plas; akin to OE blse] 1a: a white mark on
the face of an animal 1b: a white or gray streak in the hair of the head
2: a trail marker; esp : a mark made on a tree by chipping off a pi ece of
the bark
5. blaze vt 1: to mark (as a trail) with blazes 2: PIONEER