Webster's English Dictionary

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evan.gel.i.cal also evan.gel.ic \.e--.van-'jel-i-k*l, .ev-*n-\ \-ik\ 
   \-i-k*-.liz-*m\ \-i-k(*-)le-\ aj 1: of, relating to, or in agreement with 
   the Christian gospel esp. as it i s presented in the four Gospels 2: 
   PROTESTANT  3: emphasizing salvation by faith in the atoning death of Jesus 
   Christ thr ough personal conversion, the authority of Scripture, and the 
   importance of preaching as contrasted with ritual cap  4a: of or relating 
   to the Evangelical Church in Germany  often cap  4b: FUNDAMENTALIST  often 
   cap  4c: Low Church  5: EVANGELISTIC, ZEALOUS  - evang.eli.c.ali.sm 
   nEvangelical n : one holding evangelical principles or belonging to an 
   evangelical party  or church