Webster's English Dictionary

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1. gos.pel \'ga:s-p*l\ n [ME, fr. OE go-dspel, fr. go-d good + spell tale - 
   mo]re at SPELL often cap  1a: the good news concerning Christ, the kingdom 
   of God, and salvation  cap  1b: one of the first four New Testament books 
   telling of the life, death, a nd resurrection of Jesus Christ; also : a 
   similar apocryphal book 1c: an interpretation of the Christian message  cap 
    2: a lection from one of the New Testament Gospels  3: the message or 
   teachings of a religious teacher  4: something accepted as infallible truth 
2. gospel aj 1: relating to or in accordance with the gospel : EVANGELICAL  
   2: EVANGELISTIC {a ~ team}  3: of or relating to religious songs associated 
   with evangelism and popula r devotion {a ~ singer}