Webster's English Dictionary

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Cross references:
  1. resource              
1. ex.pe.di.ent \ik-'spe-d-e--*nt\ aj [ME, fr. MF or L; MF, fr. L 
   expedient-, expediens prp. of expedi]re to extricate, arrange, be 
   advantageous, fr. ex- + ped-, pes foot 1: suitable for achieving a 
   particular end  2: characterized by concern with what is opportune; specif 
   : gover ned by self-interest immediately advantageous without regard for 
   ethics or concern with consistent principles; POLITIC stresses 
   judiciousness and tactical value but usu. implies a lack of candor or 
   sincerity in some degree; ADVISABLE applies to what is practical, prudent, 
   or advantageous but lacks the derogatory implication of EXPEDIENT and 
   POLITIC - ex.pe.di.ent.ly av SYN syn POLITIC, ADVISABLE: EXPEDIENT usu. 
   implies what is 
2. expedient n 1: something expedient  2: a means devised or used in an 
   exigency : MAKESHIFT