Webster's English Dictionary

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1. comb \'ko-m\ n [ME, fr. OE camb; akin to OHG kamb comb, Gk gomphos 
   tooth] 1a: a toothed instrument used esp. for adjusting, cleaning or 
   confining hai r 1b: a structure resembling such a comb; esp : any of 
   several toothe d devices used in handling or ordering textile fibers 1c: 
   CURRYCOMB  2a: a fleshy crest on the head of the domestic fowl and other 
   gallinaceous  birds 2b: something resembling the comb of a cock  3: 
   HONEYCOMB  - combed aj
2. comb vi 1: to draw a comb through for the purpose of arranging or 
   cleaning  2: SCRAPE, RAKE  3a: to remove with or as if with a comb  3b: to 
   search or examine systematically  4: to use in the manner of a comb  : to 
   roll over or break into foam {waves ~}