Webster's English Dictionary

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Cross references:
  1. continue              
1. last \'last\ vb [ME lasten, fr. OE l-stan to last, follow; akin to 
   OE (Xla-st footprint 1: to continue in time : go on  2a: to remain fresh or 
   unimpaired : ENDURE  2b: to manage to continue (as in a course of action)  
   : SURVIVE, ENDURE  - last.er n
2. last aj [ME, fr. OE latost, superl. of lt late] 1a: following all 
   the rest {~ one out}  1b: being the only remaining {his ~ dollar}  2a: 
   belonging to the final stage (as of life)  2b: administered to the dying {~ 
   sacraments}  3: next before the present : LATEST  4a: lowest in rank or 
   standing; also : WORST  4b: farthest from a specified quality, attitude, or 
   likelihood {he'd be  the ~ to fall for flattery} 5a: CONCLUSIVE, ULTIMATE  
   5b: highest in degree : SUPREME  5c: SINGLE - used as an intensive  applies 
   to something that comes at the end of a series but does not always imply 
   that the series is completed or stopped {last page of a book} {last news we 
   had of him} FINAL applies to that which definitely closes a series, 
   process, or progress {final day of school} TERMINAL may indicate a limit of 
   extension, growth, or development {terminal phase of a disease} EVENTUAL 
   applies to something that is bound to follow sooner or later as the final 
   effect of causes already operating {eventual defeat of the enemy} ULTIMATE 
   implies either the last element or stage of a long process or a stage 
   beyond which further progress or change is impossible {ultimate collapse of 
   civilization} - last.ly av SYN syn FINAL, TERMINAL, EVENTUAL, ULTIMATE: 
3. last av 1: at the end  2: most lately  3: in conclusion 
4. last n : something that is last : END 
5. last n [ME, unit of weight, fr. OE hlst load, akin to OHG hlast 
   l]oad, OE hladan to lade : any of several greatly varying units of weight, 
   capacity, or quantity 
6. last n [ME, fr. OE l-ste, fr. la-st footprint; akin to OHG]leist 
   shoemaker's last, L lira furrow - more at LEARN : a wooden or metal form 
   which is shaped like the human foot and over whic h a shoe is shaped or 
7. last vb : to shape with a last  - last.er n