Webster's English Dictionary

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Cross references:
  1. gaze                  
1. gape \'ga-p also 'gap\ \'ga-p-in-le-, 'gap-\ vi [ME gapen, fr. ON gapa; 
   akin to L hiare to gape, yawn - mor]e at YAWN 1a: to open the mouth wide  
   1b: to open or part widely  2: to stare openmouthed  3: YAWN  - gap.er n
2. gape n 1: an act of gaping :  1a: YAWN  1b: an openmouthed stare  2: an 
   unfilled space or extent  3a: the median margin-to-margin length of the 
   open mouth  3b: the line along which the mandibles of a bird close  3c: the 
   width of an opening  pl but sing in constr  4a: a disease of young birds in 
   which gapeworms invade and irritate the tra chea 4b: a fit of yawning