Webster's English Dictionary

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Cross references:
  1. border                
1. mar.gin \'ma:r-j*n\ \-j*nd\ n [ME, fr. L margin-, margo border - more at 
   MARK] 1: the part of a page outside the main body of printed or written 
   matter  2: the outside limit and adjoining surface of something : EDGE  3a: 
   a spare amount or measure or degree allowed or given for contingencies  or 
   special situations 3b: the limit below which economic activity cannot be 
   continued under norma l conditions 4a: the difference which exists between 
   net sales and the cost of merchandi se sold and from which expenses are 
   usu. met or profit derived 4b: the excess market value of collateral over 
   the face of a loan  4c1: cash or collateral which is deposited with a 
   broker to secure him from  loss on a contract 4c2: a customer's equity if 
   his account is terminated at prevailing market  prices 4c3: a speculative 
   transaction in which the broker does part of the financi ng 4c4: an 
   allowance above or below a certain figure within which a purchase o r sale 
   is to be made 5: measure or degree of difference  - mar.gined aj
2. margin vt 1: to enter or summarize in the margin of (a page or sheet)  
   2a: to provide with an edging or border  2b: to form a margin to : BORDER  
   3: to deposit a margin upon (as stock); specif : to hold or keep s ecured 
   by depositing or adding to a margin