Webster's English Dictionary

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hour \'au.(-*)r\ n [ME, fr. OF heure, fr. LL & L; LL hora, fr. L, hour fr. 
   Gk ho]-ra - more at YEAR 1: a time or office for daily liturgical devotion; 
   esp : CANONIC AL HOUR 2: the 24th part of a day  3a: the time of day 
   indicated by a timepiece  3b: the time reckoned from midnight to midnight 
   {attack at 0900 ~Xs} 4a: a customary time  4b: a particular time  5: an 
   angular unit of right ascension equal to 15 degrees measured along th e 
   equinoctial 6: the work done or distance traveled at normal rate in an hour 
    7: a class session