Webster's English Dictionary

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1. hull \'h*l\ \'h*l-l*s\ n [ME, fr. OE hulu; akin to OHG hala hull, OE 
   helan to conceal]- more at HELL 1a: the outer covering of a fruit or seed  
   1b: the persistent calyx or involucre that subtends some fruits  2a: the 
   frame or body of a ship exclusive of masts yards, sails, and riggin g 2b1: 
   theportion of a flying boat which furnishes buoyancy when in contact w ith 
   the water and to which the main supporting surfaces and other parts are 
   attached 2b2: the main structure of a rigid airship  3: COVERING, CASING  - 
   hull-less aj
2. hull vt 1: to remove the hulls of  - hull.er n