1. frame \'fra-m\ vb [ME framen to benefit, construct, fr. OE framian to
benefit, make p]rogress; akin to ON fram forward, OE from from archaic 1:
PROCEED, GO obs 2: MANAGE 1a: PLAN, CONTRIVE 1b: to give expression to
: FORMULATE 1c: SHAPE, CONSTRUCT 1d: to draw up (as a document) 2: to
fit or adjust for a purpose : ARRANGE obs 3: PRODUCE 4: to construct by
fitting and uniting the parts of the skeleton of (a str ucture) 5: to
enclose in a frame 6a: to devise falsely (as a criminal charge) 6b: to
contrive the evidence against (an innocent man) so that a verdict o f
guilty is secured 6c: to prearrange (as a contest) so that a particular
outcome is assured - n
2. frame n 1: something composed of parts fitted together and united; esp :
th e bodily structure 2a: the constructional system that gives shape or
strength 2b: such a skeleton not filled in or covered 3a: an open case or
structure made for admitting, enclosing, or supporting something {a window
~} 3b: a machine built upon or within a framework {a spinning ~} 3c: a
structural unit in an automobile chassis supported on the axles and s
upporting the rest of the chassis and the body obs 4: the act or manner of
framing 5: a particular state or disposition (as of the mind) : MOOD 6a:
an enclosing border 6b: the matter or area enclosed in such a border : as
6b1: one of the squares in which scores for each round are recorded (as in
bowling); also : a round in bowling 6b2: boxed matter in a newspaper; esp :
a box of a comic strip 6b3: one picture of the series on a length of
motion-picture or other film 6b4: a complete image being transmitted by
television 6c: a limiting, typical, or esp. appropriate set of
circumstances 6d: an event that forms the background for the action of a
novel or play
3. frame aj : having a wood frame {~ houses}