Webster's English Dictionary

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1. hump \'h*mp\ n [akin to MLG hump bump, L incumbere to lie down, Gk 
   kymbe-] bowl, OE hype hip 1: a rounded protuberance : as  1a: HUMPBACK  1b: 
   a fleshy protuberance on the back of an animal  1c1: MOUND, HUMMOCK  1c2: 
   MOUNTAIN, RANGE {Himalayan ~}  Brit  2: a fit of depression or sulking  3: 
   a difficult, trying, or critical phase - often used in the phrase o ver the 
2. hump vt 1: to exert (oneself) vigorously  2: to make humpbacked : HUNCH  
   chiefly Brit  3: to put or carry on the back; also : TRANSPORT  1: to exert 
   oneself : HUSTLE  2: to move swiftly : RACE