1. phase \'fa-z\ \'fa--zik\ n [NL phasis, fr. Gk, appearance of a star,
phase of the moon, fr. phain]ein to show (middle voice, to appear) - more
at FANCY 1: a particular appearance or state in a regularly recurring cycle
of chang es {~s of the moon} 2a: a stage or interval in a development or
cycle 2b: an aspect or part under consideration 3: the point or stage in
a period in uniform circular motion, harmonic moti on, or the periodic
changes of any magnitude varying according to a simple harmonic law to
which the rotation, oscillation, or variation has advanced considered in
its relation to a standard position or assumed instant of starting 4: a
homogeneous, physically distinct, and mechanically separable portion o f
matter present in a nonhomogeneous physical-chemical system 5: an
individual or subgroup distinguishably different in appearance or beh avior
from the norm of the group to which it belongs; also : the distinguishing
peculiarity one of the possible ways of viewing or being presented to view.
PHASE implies a change in appearance often without clear reference to an
observer; ASPECT may stress the point of view of an observer and its
limitation of what is seen or considered; SIDE stresses one of several
aspects from which something may be viewed; FACET implies one of a
multiplicity of sides each of which manifests the central quality of the
whole; ANGLE suggests an aspect seen from a very restricted or specific
point of view - pha.sic aj SYN syn PHASE, ASPECT, SIDE, FACET, ANGLE mean
2. phase vt 1: to adjust so as to be in phase 2a: to conduct or carry out
by planned phases 2b: to schedule or contract for to be performed or
supplied as required 3: to introduce in stages {~ in new fighter models}