Webster's English Dictionary

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1. ham.per \'ham-p*r\ \-p(*-)rin\ vt or ham.per.ing [ME hamperen] 1a: to 
   restrict the movement of by bonds or obstacles : IMPEDE  1b: to interfere 
   with the operation of : DISRUPT  2a: CURE, RESTRAIN  2b: to interfere with 
   : ENCUMBER M: HAMPER may imply the effect of any impeding or restraining 
   influence; TRAMMEL suggests entangling by or confining within a net; CLOG 
   usu. implies the slowing by something extraneous that clings, weighs down, 
   obstructs, or gums up; FETTER suggest a restraining so severe that freedom 
   to move or progress is almost lost; SHACKLE and MANACLE are similar to but 
   stronger than FETTER and suggest total loss of freedom SYN syn TRAMMEL, 
2. hamper n 1: something that impedes : OBSTRUCTION  2: TOP-HAMPER 
3. hamper n [ME hampere, alter. of hanaper, lit., case to hold goblets, fr. 
   MF]hanapier, fr. hanap goblet, of Gmc origin; akin to OE hnpp bowl : a 
   large basket usu. with a cover for packing, storing, or transporting f ood 
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