Webster's English Dictionary

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Cross references:
  1. absorb                
im.bibe \im-'bi-b\ vb [in sense 1, fr. ME enbiben, fr. MF embiber, fr. L 
   imbibere t]o drink in, conceive, fr. in- + bibere to drink; in other 
   senses, fr. L imbibere - more at POTABLE archaic  1: SOAK, STEEP  2a: to 
   receive into the mind and retain {~ moral principles}  2b: to assimilate or 
   take into solution  3a: DRINK  3b: ABSORB  1: DRINK  2a: to take in liquid  
   2b: to absorb or assimilate moisture, gas, light, or heat  - im.bib.er n