Webster's English Dictionary

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re.cov.er \ri-'k*v-*r\ \-(*-)rin\ \-'k*v-(*-)r*-b*l\ vb or re.cov.er.ing 
   [ME recoveren, fr. MF recoverer, fr. L recuperare; akin to L]recipere to 
   receive - more at RECEIVE 1: to get back : REGAIN  2a: to bring back to 
   normal position or condition  archaic  2b: RESCUE  3a: to make up for  3b: 
   to gain by legal process  archaic  4: REACH  5: RECLAIM  1: to regain a 
   normal position or condition (as of health) {~in g from a bout of 
   pneumonia} 2: to obtain a final legal judgment in one's favor  - 
   re.cov.er.able aj