Webster's English Dictionary

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1. in.ter.na.tion.al \.int-*r-'nash-n*l, -*n-*l\ \-.nash-*-'nal-*t-e-\ 
   \-'nash-n*-le-, -*n-*l-e-\ aj 1: affecting or involving two or more nations 
   {~ trade}  2: of, relating to, or constituting a group or association 
   having members  in two or more nations {~ movement} - 
   in.ter.na.tion.al.i.ty n
2. in.ter.na.tion.al \-'nash-n*l, -*n-*l, in sense a often -.nash-*-'nal, 
   -'na:l\ \-.nash-*-'nal, -'na:l\ n also in.ter.na.tio.nale : an organized 
   group that transcends national limits : as  : one of several socialist or 
   communist organizations of international sc ope : a labor union having 
   locals in more than one country