Webster's English Dictionary

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1. lake \'la-k\ n [ME, fr. OF lac lake, fr. L lacus; akin to OE lagu sea, 
   Gk  often attrib Xlakkos pond 1: a considerable inland body of standing 
   water  2: a pool of other liquid 
2. lake \'la--ke-\ n [F laque lac, fr. OProv laca, fr. Ar lakk - more at 
   LACQ]UER 1a: a purplish red pigment prepared from lac or cochineal  1b: any 
   of numerous usu. bright translucent organic pigments composed essen tially 
   of a soluble dye adsorbed on or combined with an inorganic carrier 2: 
   CARMINE  - laky aj
3. lake vi of blood  : to alter so that the hemoglobin is dissolved in the 
   plasma to cause (bl ood) to lake