Webster's English Dictionary

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car.ri.er \'kar-e--*r\ n 1: BEARER, MESSENGER  2a: an individual or 
   organization engaged in transporting passengers or goo ds for hire 2b: a 
   transportation line carrying mail between post offices  2c: a postal 
   employee who delivers or collects mail  2d: one that delivers newspapers  
   3a: a container for carrying  3b: a device or machine that carries : 
   CONVEYER  4: AIRCRAFT CARRIER  5: one that harbors and disseminates the 
   causative agent of disease infecti ous to its kind to which it is immune 
   6a: a usu. inactive accessory substance  6b: a substance (as a catalyst) by 
   whose agency some element or group is tr ansferred from one compound to 
   another 7: an electric wave or alternating current whose modulations are 
   used as si gnals in radio, telephonic, or telegraphic transmission