Webster's English Dictionary

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1. tin.sel \'tin(t)-s*l also 'tin-z*l\ n [MF estincelle, etincelle spark, 
   glitter, spangle - more at ST]ENCIL 1: a thread, strip, or sheet of metal, 
   paper, or plastic used to produce a  glittering and sparkling appearance in 
   fabrics, yarns, or decorations 2: something superficially attractive or 
   glamorous but of little real worth 
2. tinsel aj 1: made of or covered with tinsel  2: cheaply gaudy : TAWDRY 
3. tinsel \'tin(t)-s(*-)lin, 'tin-z*-lin\ vt or tin.seled or tin.selled;  
   or tin.sel.ing;  or tin.sel.ling 1: to interweave, overlay, or adorn with 
   or as if with tinsel  2: to impart a specious brightness to