Webster's English Dictionary

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1. un.der.stand.ing \.*n-d*r-'stan-din\ n 1a: DISCERNMENT, INSIGHT  1b: an 
   act or result of interpreting  2a: the power of comprehending; specif : the 
   capacity to apprehend  general relations of particulars 2b: the power to 
   make experience intelligible by applying concepts and cate gories 3a: 
   friendly or harmonious relationship  3b: an agreement of opinion or feeling 
   : adjustment of differences  3c: a mutual agreement not formally entered 
   into but in some degree binding  on each side
2. understanding \-'stan-din-le-\ aj archaic  1: KNOWING, INTELLIGENT  2: 
   endowed with understanding : TOLERANT, SYMPATHETIC  - un.der.stand.ing.ly 