Webster's English Dictionary

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Cross references:
  1. trace                 
1. track \'trak\ n [ME trak, fr. MF trac, perh. of Gmc origin; akin to MD 
   trackenX, trecken to pull, haul - more at TREK 1a: detectable evidence (as 
   the wake of a ship, a line of footprints, or a  wheel rut) that something 
   has passed 1b: a path made by repeated footfalls : TRAIL  1c1: a course 
   laid out esp. for racing  1c2: the parallel rails of a railroad  2: 
   VESTIGE, TRACE  3a: the course along which something moves  3b: the 
   projection on the earth's surface of the path along which an airpla ne has 
   actually flown 4a: a sequence of events : a train of ideas : SUCCESSION  
   4b: awareness of a fact or progression {keep ~} {lose ~> 5a: the width of a 
   wheeled vehicle from wheel to wheel and usu. from the ou tside of the rims 
   5b: the tread of an automobile tire  5c: either of two endless metal belts 
   on which a tracklaying vehicle travel s 6: track-and-field sports; esp : 
   those performed on a racing track 
2. track vt 1: to follow the tracks or traces of : TRAIL  2a: to follow by 
   vestiges : TRACE  2b: to observe or plot the moving path of (as a target or 
   missile) with an  instrument (as a telescope) 3: to pass over : TRAVERSE  
   4a: to make tracks upon  4b: to carry (as mud) on the feet and deposit  of 
   a pair of wheels  1a1: to maintain a constant distance apart on the 
   straightaway  1a2: to fit a track or rails  of a rear wheel of a vehicle  
   1b: to accurately follow the corresponding fore wheel on a straightaway  2: 
   to leave tracks (as on a floor)  - track.er n