Webster's English Dictionary

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mag.a.zine \'mag-*-.ze-n, .mag-*-'\ n [MF, fr. OProv, fr. Ar makha-zin, pl. 
   of makhzan storehouse] 1: a place where goods or supplies are stored : 
   WAREHOUSE  2: a room in which powder and other explosives are kept in a 
   fort or a ship  3: the contents of a magazine : as  3a: an accumulation of 
   munitions of war  3b: a stock of provisions or goods  4a: a periodical 
   containing miscellaneous pieces (as articles, stories, poe ms) often 
   illustrated 4b: a similar section of a newspaper usu. appearing on Sunday  
   5: a supply chamber : as  5a: a holder in or on a gun for cartridges to be 
   fed into the gun chamber a utomatically 5b: a lighttight chamber for films 
   or plates on a camera or for film on a m otion-picture projector