Webster's English Dictionary

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Cross references:
  1. part                  
1. sec.tion \'sek-sh*n\ n [L section-, sectio, fr. sectus] 1a: the action 
   or an instance of cutting or separating by cutting  1b: a part set off by 
   or as if by cutting  2: a distinct part or portion of a writing : as  2a: a 
   subdivision of a chapter  2b: a division of a law  2c: a distinct component 
   part of a newspaper  3a: the profile of something as it would appear if cut 
   through by an inters ecting plane 3b: the plane figure resulting from the 
   cutting of a solid by a plane  4: a natural subdivision of a taxonomic 
   group  5: a character  commonly used in printing as a mark for the 
   beginning of  a section and as the fourth in series of the reference marks 
   6: a piece of land one square mile in area forming one of the 36 subdivisio 
   ns of a township 7: a distinct part of a territorial or political area, 
   community, or group  of people 8a: PORTION, SLICE  8b: one segment of a 
   fruit : CARPEL  9: a basic military unit usu. having a special function  
   10: a very thin slice (as of tissue) suitable for microscopic examination  
   11a: a division of a railroad sleeping car with an upper and a lower berth  
   11b: a part of a permanent railroad way under the care of a particular set  
   of men 11c: one of two or more vehicles which run on the same schedule  12: 
   one of several component parts that may be assembled or reassembled  13: a 
   division of an orchestra composed of one class of instruments  14: 
2. section \-sh(*-)nin\ vb or sec.tion.ing 1: to cut or separate into 
   sections  2: to represent in sections  : to become cut or separated into 