Webster's English Dictionary

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1. gen.der \'jen-d*r\ n [ME gendre, fr. MF genre, gendre, fr. L gener-, 
   genu]s birth, race, kind, gender - more at KIN 1: SEX  2a: any of two or 
   more subclasses within a grammatical class of a language  (as noun, 
   pronoun, adjective, verb) that are partly arbitrary but also partly based 
   on distinguishable characteristics such as shape, social rank, manner of 
   existence, or sex and that determine agreement with and selection of other 
   words or grammatical forms 2b: membership of a word or a grammatical form 
   in such a subclass  2c: an inflectional form showing membership in such a 
2. gender \-d(*-)rin\ vb or gen.der.ing [ME gendren, fr. MF gendrer, fr. L 
   generare - more at GE]NERATE : ENGENDER